
Friday 21 June 2013


I must get bored of this particular blog or just not care, because when I log online to my blogger I see all four blog sites that I have joined on here. I frequently post on them, but not this one. Or maybe I am just too tired out by the time I try to keep up with them all. Anyways I was intending on coming on here just to give a better update with regards to my writing. I actually after being mention in my last post of how I am have been writing all my stuff into chapter form onto my laptop, I also wanted to see if my possible book idea would be likable enough and it seems to be from what it appears. I have joined, it is a writing community where you can write your book in chapter form and even upload a poorly made or photoshop made book cover for the book to give the readers something to draw them in. And so far some people have been very receptive to my book idea. Although, my passion, no wait it's not that I don't have any passion left, it's ummmm..... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I can't think of the appropriate word for what I am trying to say.  Ahh there it is! MOTIVATION!! I just have lack of motivation these days, especially after a tiresome day at work and also a full time job of being on a Mom on my days off it consumes my time, so by the time I turn my computer on and try to type I just can't. And trust me it is not writer's block, because I have the ideas right there in my head for me to write and I just can't do it. Gee I am almost making myself sound like I am lazy which is not my intent. Anyways, so just for all you out there take a look on if you're on there and if not please join and read the title called Wicked and Deceitful Heart and under the username ashleymorin88.
I am done rambling on for now. I don't want to promise that I am going to be loyal to this particular blog link, but I do want to be writing frequently on ALL my links. I will try when I think to do so.