
Tuesday 6 November 2012

I quick catch up post

Wow! It certainly has been a long time since I have posted anything on this particular blog. I have come a long way since my last post about the constipation of the brain post. I still write my ideas in a composition book, although I have been writing my chapters out onto my laptop. And to see how good of a book I have got going  I have joined this really nice writing community group where people read your stuff and there is an option to vote and comment on each chapter you upload. Which is really neat. You can check the site out here at: Wattpad.
I have twelve chapters on there as of right now. If you wish to find me my member name is just ashleymorin88. No spaces in between the name or the number. Anyways I must go for now. I have been currently locked out of my facebook account due to a hacker and I have to call facebook tech support today to see if they have resolved the issue or not. Anyways have a good day! :)

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Constipation of the Brain

I have my outline coming along ok. Although, it is still time consuming and I seem to never get everything fully done by the end of the day. I want to write more, but it seems as though my writing is not as fast as my head and the thoughts I carry in it. I seem to have writer’s block even though I should since these events are real live things that took place and should be easy. I feel like I have constipation of the brain lately.

I have everything in my composition book and things are looking good. I am excited to get this story I’ve been wanting to tell out of my head and onto paper. I can only hold in so much and then things tend to get over whelming. I am kind of stuck on what I should pick for a title. It is going to be about a lot of crazy drug dealings, fights and murder, but for some reason I can’t think of an appropriate title for it yet. It would be to common to call it something like “The Murderer” or anything pertaining to the same definition of murder, but in use of another word.

We’ll see how it all goes once I get my full plot and out line fully out onto paper and once I fill in the blanks. I just hope I do not keep having this brain fart. I hate having these stupid moments and not being able to write makes me feel kind of lethargic.

Sunday 27 May 2012

Composition Books

I've finally found what works for me with my actual book that I am about to write. People have been saying take notes on word pad or note pad on the lap top. However, I do not find that resourceful for me. I always enjoyed taking a pencil or pen and writing it down. So I tried writing down my outline and little ideas in between for certain parts of chapters that come to my mind so I won't forget to add it in the book. So this is what I am doing. I bought a composition book and write everything in it. I find it the most resourceful way for me to get everything down. Plus I can bring it with me where ever I go. It fits on my purse, unlike other note books.  I find that I get more written down when hubby and I are driving some wheres. I take advantage of the long drives to the places that we go to on his days off.

So far I got about 3 pages of my composition book. Trust me it may not seem like a lot, but I condense all stuff single lined and I do not waste the page. I will write up and down the side margins if I think of thing. I utilize every single blank spot available.

Well must go for now. I am going to go out to the back yard and catch some rays while writing in my composition book.

Tuesday 15 May 2012

A Tiny Rant

To be truthfully honest, I find that Becky's Book Reviews on blogspot here is very disappointing. I went to her blog to see how to go about getting my poetry book reviewed by her. On her blog was provided her personal e-mail to inquire about having her review books. So I done so and it has now been about a month now and not even a reply. I do understand that on her blog is states that she does not always review everyone's book if she does not want to, but even so the common courtesy of a quick e-mail response declining my book for review would have been nice and also professional. I am not saying that her reviews suck or anything, but because of her failure to comply with a simple response does not speak highly of her in my own opinion. And knowing that she is not professional in that part of the reviews I would not want her to review my book knowing how she deals with potential author's just wanting a simple book review. I will find someone else sometime to do so. I do not like to bash people, but this is just how I feel on the matter. I understand she probably reads a lot of books and what not, however if she has time to go onto her blog to post her reviews, then she has time to get to her e-mail also and check her inbox.

On a positive note is my book is in the process of it's final review of my publisher and will be soon ready to be ready for sale. Feel free to check out my fan page on facebook to keep up in the know of when the e-store is ready to take orders at: here. I am on it on a daily basis, so if there is more news that needs to be updated I will do so and I will reply to anyone about anything they want to know. I will soon be sharing the link to my e-store on my fan page so please like my page.

Friday 4 May 2012

No I'm Not Writing A Vamp Book

The most funniest thing happened to me the other day. Since I become adamant on my decision to write a novel. I decided to tell my father about it, and about the fact that this time it will not contain poetry. The first words to come flying out of his mouth were "a vampire book?". I could of laughed, but I didn't. Not to be so straight forward, but ever since the Twilight Series, anything about vampires after that has become completely overrated.
I know my father had just cause to assume I would write about vampires, because to be honest. I love Twilight, and I also like my cousins recently new series of vampire books too. However, that hardly means I want to write a book about them. There are so many vampire books that all seem to sound the same, you might as well copy and paste the content out of Twilight give it a different title then upload it onto the publishing site. That is how badly they all sound the same.  Since I mentioned my cousins series I might as well link her blog for you to check out to at Sabrina. I am not praising her up, because she is my cousin, it is really because her books are great. I don't care if you are my best friend. If I think you wrote a crappy book I will not praise you for it. Anyways moving along now.

I have given much though as to what I want to write about. I am still stuck even though I made a choice between the two things I want to write about. I can't do both, because it would not make sense. You have to be 100% devoted to one particular book. If both topics are chosen to write at the same time, one book will fail, while the other reaches success. And I do not want failure for neither topics, because they both are significant to me.

So until I truly decide on what I want to write about 100% I am going to take my friend Dave's advice and just write. Even if it is not about either one of the topics, but just to clear my head and help me think better. I read a lot of his blogs, which I find very helpful and interesting if you wish to you can check him at Dave.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

What is more interesting?

I have a lot of stories to tell from my own persnal life experiences. I am just wondering from you all out there. What is more interesting to read about in a book. Here are two options to choose from and both of these options are something I have dealt with in my past and are very interesting. Okay so here is idea number one for a book: My experience of going to a christian school out of a church ( I know, you all think it is going to be goody two shoe stuff, but if this is chosen I am writing EVERYTHING that went down at that school), and I am sure that my principal and pastor of the church the school was held in that their hair would curl and turn gray if they have know, what had went on in that school, and Two: My experience of dating a nice boy (or what appeared to be nice) , but turned from a pretend christian fellow to get me to like him, then when true colors came out, he was into nothing, but drugs, sex, murder and lots more.  Alright people, these are the two ideas. So start chosing.