
Wednesday 2 May 2012

What is more interesting?

I have a lot of stories to tell from my own persnal life experiences. I am just wondering from you all out there. What is more interesting to read about in a book. Here are two options to choose from and both of these options are something I have dealt with in my past and are very interesting. Okay so here is idea number one for a book: My experience of going to a christian school out of a church ( I know, you all think it is going to be goody two shoe stuff, but if this is chosen I am writing EVERYTHING that went down at that school), and I am sure that my principal and pastor of the church the school was held in that their hair would curl and turn gray if they have know, what had went on in that school, and Two: My experience of dating a nice boy (or what appeared to be nice) , but turned from a pretend christian fellow to get me to like him, then when true colors came out, he was into nothing, but drugs, sex, murder and lots more.  Alright people, these are the two ideas. So start chosing.


  1. Drugs, sex and murder oh my! Sounds like a thriller.

    1. Yes Dave, it is pretty intense. I do not even know how to go about writing my experience with this person. All I can say is what he did was sick when it came to the murder. Thank God I left him, because had I not, he might of did it to me.
