
Tuesday 15 May 2012

A Tiny Rant

To be truthfully honest, I find that Becky's Book Reviews on blogspot here is very disappointing. I went to her blog to see how to go about getting my poetry book reviewed by her. On her blog was provided her personal e-mail to inquire about having her review books. So I done so and it has now been about a month now and not even a reply. I do understand that on her blog is states that she does not always review everyone's book if she does not want to, but even so the common courtesy of a quick e-mail response declining my book for review would have been nice and also professional. I am not saying that her reviews suck or anything, but because of her failure to comply with a simple response does not speak highly of her in my own opinion. And knowing that she is not professional in that part of the reviews I would not want her to review my book knowing how she deals with potential author's just wanting a simple book review. I will find someone else sometime to do so. I do not like to bash people, but this is just how I feel on the matter. I understand she probably reads a lot of books and what not, however if she has time to go onto her blog to post her reviews, then she has time to get to her e-mail also and check her inbox.

On a positive note is my book is in the process of it's final review of my publisher and will be soon ready to be ready for sale. Feel free to check out my fan page on facebook to keep up in the know of when the e-store is ready to take orders at: here. I am on it on a daily basis, so if there is more news that needs to be updated I will do so and I will reply to anyone about anything they want to know. I will soon be sharing the link to my e-store on my fan page so please like my page.

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