
Friday 4 May 2012

No I'm Not Writing A Vamp Book

The most funniest thing happened to me the other day. Since I become adamant on my decision to write a novel. I decided to tell my father about it, and about the fact that this time it will not contain poetry. The first words to come flying out of his mouth were "a vampire book?". I could of laughed, but I didn't. Not to be so straight forward, but ever since the Twilight Series, anything about vampires after that has become completely overrated.
I know my father had just cause to assume I would write about vampires, because to be honest. I love Twilight, and I also like my cousins recently new series of vampire books too. However, that hardly means I want to write a book about them. There are so many vampire books that all seem to sound the same, you might as well copy and paste the content out of Twilight give it a different title then upload it onto the publishing site. That is how badly they all sound the same.  Since I mentioned my cousins series I might as well link her blog for you to check out to at Sabrina. I am not praising her up, because she is my cousin, it is really because her books are great. I don't care if you are my best friend. If I think you wrote a crappy book I will not praise you for it. Anyways moving along now.

I have given much though as to what I want to write about. I am still stuck even though I made a choice between the two things I want to write about. I can't do both, because it would not make sense. You have to be 100% devoted to one particular book. If both topics are chosen to write at the same time, one book will fail, while the other reaches success. And I do not want failure for neither topics, because they both are significant to me.

So until I truly decide on what I want to write about 100% I am going to take my friend Dave's advice and just write. Even if it is not about either one of the topics, but just to clear my head and help me think better. I read a lot of his blogs, which I find very helpful and interesting if you wish to you can check him at Dave.

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