
Sunday 27 May 2012

Composition Books

I've finally found what works for me with my actual book that I am about to write. People have been saying take notes on word pad or note pad on the lap top. However, I do not find that resourceful for me. I always enjoyed taking a pencil or pen and writing it down. So I tried writing down my outline and little ideas in between for certain parts of chapters that come to my mind so I won't forget to add it in the book. So this is what I am doing. I bought a composition book and write everything in it. I find it the most resourceful way for me to get everything down. Plus I can bring it with me where ever I go. It fits on my purse, unlike other note books.  I find that I get more written down when hubby and I are driving some wheres. I take advantage of the long drives to the places that we go to on his days off.

So far I got about 3 pages of my composition book. Trust me it may not seem like a lot, but I condense all stuff single lined and I do not waste the page. I will write up and down the side margins if I think of thing. I utilize every single blank spot available.

Well must go for now. I am going to go out to the back yard and catch some rays while writing in my composition book.

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